
Congratulations! If you’ve made it this far then you are probably quite lost right now. Here’s the bad news… Me too. I started this site for us as somewhere safe to talk/ask/bitch/moan/share/laugh/cry about what is known variously as “the awakening”, “the ascension”, “the quickening” and probably myriad other names. It is a phenomenon that more and more people are experiencing, and it can be scary if you don’t know what it is about. I myself am as confused and scared as you are, but hopefully between us all we will find guidance and solace, Β and yes, even love for what (amazing and crazy as it sounds) is undeniably happening. If nothing else, at least we’ll have a good laugh along the way!

Note to Readers – March 2016: The site is getting a bit cluttered and a revamp is getting underway soon. If this is your first time here, please start at the Seriously? Ascension? posts and in due course everything else will make sense. Well, it probably won’t make sense but at least it will be better ordered!

19 comments on “About

  • Hey bro – keep it up! And yes, someone else is out there! Looking forward to the next instalment. Much love xxxx

  • So glad I found your site! This is all so new to me too! I got shingles too when it first started happening!

    • Thanks Stephanie. I’m glad you found the site too πŸ™‚ There is plenty of advice on the net about ascension symptoms and what to expect. It’s not always fun, but it is at least exciting! Remember to keep a sense of humour about it all!

  • really enjoyed your “ascension- wtf” story…didn’t read it all yet, guess I have to return but what I’ve seen I can relate to. My “awakening” hasn’t been quite as cruel but similar in many ways. It really is good to know we’re not alone…

    • Hi Gia,

      Sorry for delay in reply, have been very busy in the “real” world lately. I’m happy you’re enjoying reading and I’ll be happier when I can get more time to write with so much going on! No, we are not alone and we are probably all beginning to realise this. I am meeting more and more “awakening” people recently and that keeps me going through the more difficult times. Glad to have you along and hope you stay in touch πŸ™‚

  • Hi Signalman – good to see you around. Checking your blog for new posts… since I enjoyed your writing. How’s life on the other side of the planet ? At least I am guessing you’re down under. Maybe not. How’s the Awakening treating you these days?

    • Hi Gia,

      I am indeed Downunder! How’s life Upover? I’ve been pretty good lately with some very positive things happening since the Lion’s Gate. I will say that time seems to be doing some strange things lately (extended dΓ©jΓ -vu and a sense that I have done all this before somewhere). I was quite amused to read that Big Ben in London is mysteriously speeding up which is upsetting the BBC as apparently they broadcast the chimes live! I have been writing in the background when I can but am finding that most of us (including your good self) are on the same wavelength as I keep getting pipped at the post (literally) by other bloggers writing on similar subjects. I am taking this as a very good sign. I have a few days off this weekend so will try and get something out there. Nothing like a bit of friendly competition to get the fingers tapping πŸ™‚

      • Hi Downunder! Upover is okay – as far as I can tell. Not so sure anymore what’s up and what’s down though. I didn’t give much credit to that 8-8-8 hype but in hindsight that seems to be when energies got even more intense than they had been before and a my Guides seemed to take the opportunity and start a major makeover (using Denise le Fay’s stairstep analogy: I got a little push and stumbled my way up taking a few steps at once….or at least attempted to). Not sure where I am now.
        Writing was quite a task – and I’m sorry for the pipping (thanks for the new expression) but realistically it’s all been written before. It’s YOU who makes it different, your angle ( downunder is definitely different than upover), your style (which I enjoyed, that’s why I came pestering). Looking at all the (()) mine needs some work! I’ll blame it on the energies. Less time to think about a sentence before blurting it out.
        Time definitely is doing its own thing. Hadn’t heard about Big Ben running on its own time now. Great story!

      • Yeah, I don’t usually subscribe to the numerology realm (mainly because I’m crap at math) but I had a dream several months ago where higher beings were talking about me and one said “He has to pass through the Lion’s Gate first”. The term was quite specific and I had no idea what they were talking about. Online searching revealed that one of the ancient gates into Jerusalem is also called the Lion’s Gate, and I thought that must have been what they were referring to until the whole 8.8.8 hit the public consciousness. Maybe it’s just psychosomatic, but things have definitely changed for me since then. Will wait and see what next month brings with a fair bit of excitement!

        On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 1:39 PM, sensible ascension wrote:


      • Powerful dream – the question is: what happens once he has gone through? Does he end up in the lions’ den?

  • Thanks for your humour and insight. Your awakening story truly resonated with me. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks she is going crazy on this planet.

    • Don’t worry about going crazy mate, you’re in good company anyway! Thanks for taking the time to read. I’m working on a new post as we speak and hoping to have it out in a few hours. Stick around in the happy place πŸ™‚
      Nearly forgot the most important bit :/ @Anonymous, get your heart checked anyway. I’m sure it is ascension related but once you have it checked then you can relax and enjoy the ride a bit more πŸ™‚

  • I just found your posts and have enjoyed reading. It really has been a trippy ride. I’ve been dealing with the kundalini/ascension stuff for a good number of years now and it never gets old. πŸ˜‰ Big roller coaster with lots of “tired” and “challenge”. This eclipse season has been something else and we haven’t hit the lunar one yet. Gonna be fun.

  • Hello! Just dropping in to beg I mean hint for a new post… πŸ˜† I hope you are well and happy. 😍

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